Monday, March 08, 2010

Late Winter '10

Wow, can't believe it is already early March! I have been terrible about blogging this winter. As I always say, when things are busy, hectic, etc. blogging has to be pushed to the bottom of the list.

Things seem to have calmed down a bit and I may actually have some time on my hands to do things such as blogging before the busy season begins once again. I have been wanting to get something 'winter-ish' posted for a while, so here are a few pictures of Emi's cute little snowman she made after a recent snowstorm.

Here's Emi with her snowman (I said it was little ;) )

Lex didn't bother to slip her boots on when she came out to see what we were up to. Brrrrr (she must be from Maine)

Hopefully there will be no more snowmen being made around here for another 10 months or so. Think Spring!! :)

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